Avengers age of ultron movie download yify

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6) Character Overload - There were WAY too many characters to do any of them any justice. Plus, he's supposed to be some kind of AI but he's constantly cracking off stupid one-liners and making facial expressions that I thought were inconsistent with what and who he was supposed to be. 5) Ultron - This guy appears out of nowhere and is woefully underdeveloped. 4) The Humor - There were WAY too many jokes in this movie, and that wouldn't have been all that bad if so many of them weren't eye rollers. We're basically told by the script writer that these two people are in love, but never are we SHOWN that they're falling in love. That pretty much sums up this whole film 3) The Love Interest - Totally underdeveloped. 2) Plot? - The movie opens with our heroes in the middle of a battle for reasons that are largely unimportant. That's all the audience ever really knows about this story and it felt flat and unfulfilling. Ultron wants to blow up the world, the Avengers try to stop him.

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There was not a compelling story to be told here.

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There were so many things that ruined this movie for me. It hurts to rate this so poorly, but it certainly deserves the low marks.