I started reading ur book marakata mahubabu in Nadi monthly. I have been reading your books for the last 30 years. We are having Only one Cinema Hall and nearly every two months we are watching telugu movie. Hemanth Vendra rated it really liked it Nov 04, The Story and its narrative is truely awesome. I am disappointed to note that after veerabhadra reddy no new novel from you in swathi. If it is released, where I can found it? Trivia About Veerabhadra Reddy I give it 4. Arun said: Madhu Babu, who since long established himself as a Detective Fiction writer and has entertained as much as he used do with his detective novels. If you have those copies please upload them here in. I read all your novels, except for following: a. by Madhu Babu Tiger Vastsava: Direct Novel.